How Do I Loathe Thee, Let Me Count the Ways

I find it absurdly ironic that I, at once, detest most of the writing I have been seeing as of late from others, but absolutely love, love, love to read. Let me qualify this: I've been reading a number of blogs, witticisms and posts, and find the majority of them vapid; only feigning at truly being clever. With biting one-liners and provocative allusury, these ever-increasing writers (and I wholly recognize my inclusion amongst them) comment on everything from Parisian fashion to Paris Hilton. Fashion writers, travel bloggers, relationship experts, sports fanatics...The litany of nouveau authors is seemingly endless, and with the advent or evolution (or really, de-evolution) of modern writing and texting vocabulary, everyone thinks they have a voice worth hearing...and therein lies the caveate...WORTH...HEARING. I know that writing is re-writing and this vocation is a craft, but I sincerely hope that either the standard of writing or those who chose to write get a kick in the (talent) pants sometime soon...p.s. I'm not holding my breath.

My Very First Follower

I'm not entirely sure if I ever really intended on releasing this blog "into the wild" as it were, but I've officially secured (tongue planted firmly in cheek) my 1st "follower" - I feel the power...not exactly Koresh status yet. I just hope it doesn't go to my head (tongue still there) - and I thought that it deserved a moment of silence...ironically, it seems to be accompanied by more of the clickity-clak of my keyboard than anything. But I digress...I thank you much, Noah Berlow, for sharing in this molehill of a mountain or milestone of minutiae...or whatever. You are a great friend and I appreciate your support...told you it involved zero commitment.


"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." Dalai Lama

I feel like this is the simplest and truest of all religious ideology I've heard. God forbid I post it on my Facebook page as I would be surely inundated with emails and comments from the religious right and Bible-bashers. I never quite understood why what should be the most allowing, accepting and all-encompassing of our moral philosophies (i.e our religion) usually inspires the greatest intolerance, ignorance and hatred of and by our fellow man.

I'm Beginning to Hate Facebook

I really am...with a passion. Unfortunately, I'm addicted to it, and I guess like all addictions, the very same thing that you love soon becomes an idol of loathing. What started out as a simple way to keep in contact with all of my friends has been bastardized into the very activity that I seek to avoid in everyday life. Mainly, a sense of responsibility to remain in contact with people whom I don't wish to know, and an unhealthy preoccupation with the affairs of others. This age of electronic addiction, and constant "connectedness" in a disconnected culture is at once comfortable and completely unsettling. As I spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook, texting or emailing, I am deeply saddened that instead of feeling more and more a part of the real world, I feel surprisingly more and more removed from it. I also, consequently, find it vaguely ironic that I am even spending the time writing this blog. Nobody reads these things anyway. Except you...loser. :p

Woman Fights Back Against Bank of America

In reference to an article about a lady who refuses to pay her Bank of America bill because she suddenly had a 30% rate hike despite never being late or missing a payment.

Awesome. These banks are the criminals. They've been feeding off of us for decades like a parasite giving the average Joe the illusion of attaining "middle class" standing through credit. Recently, they've just become greedy. I think it's the power and the right of the people to stand up to tyranny. We still have a voice. These banks WILL take EVERYTHING if we let them. To the people who say, "Just shut up and pay your bill," I'll still have sympathy for you when you lose your job, get burned by rate hikes, your dog gets hit by a car or you are just facing especially tough times and feeling overwhelmed in this slowly crumbling economic market. Know who the real enemy is...seriously. It's certainly not the average consumer or American!