Sometimes Beating a Dead Horse Just Makes Your Arm Tired

Current President, Barack Obama, has received the Nobel Peace prize under a hail of political gunfire (though he's probably getting used to it by now.) I had no idea that the MSN, FoxNews, Facebook, and Twitter communities were so sensitive to the Nobel Prize committee's annual choice. Can any of the multitude of bitchy bloggers name a past winner from this decade...probably not...can they even correctly pronounce the names of any recent winners...probably not (Jimmy Carter doesn't count.) But aside from the nation's general ignorance and its equally effluent love of gossiping, I'm really at a loss in understanding the uproar of protest at Obama being given the prize. To the countless Obama detractors, I'd say, "It's not something that he lobbied for; he was chosen. Does he deserve it? Who knows...chances are, more than you."

Why can't we focus on some of the real issues, like supporting and discussing the initiatives that he is trying to enact to improve our country? Why can't we at least be proud of our nation's president for receiving such a prestigious honor? Why do we delight so much in denegrating instead of congratulating? Let's just lend support to our president now that we actually have one that doesn't seem to revel in blatantly disregarding America's common good. Let's take a step back to move forward. Maybe there IS change on the horizon...perhaps it's only obscured by the smoking keyboards of this country's cynics and nay-sayers.


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