America the Great...Not for Long

I’m getting pretty fed up with American incompetence. As of late, I've been inundated with it on a daily basis. While I have many, many friends and family who don’t fall under this category, it seems that a vast amount of us do. We have trouble doing the simplest of tasks…especially (and ironically) the ones that fall under our “job description”. It’s not a wonder why we continue to be passed up (and laughed at) by other nations (usually ones WE scoff at) when our poor work ethic and our inflated sense of “being owed” is egregiously out of control. Whether it’s the automotive industry, medical field, service sector, government, mortgage and banking, or any of the hundreds of other industries out there, we often lack the most basic of proficiencies. We need secondary “watch dog” agencies to overlook our every move and ensure we don’t cut corners out of laziness or greed. When we do commit errors, we are reluctant to take responsibility and even stand behind flagrant half-truths (as well as bold-faced lies)…all the while sporting a self-appreciative smirk on our face and an obnoxious sign on our tip cup. For Christ’s sake, HAVE SOME PRIDE IN YOUR WORK and YOUR LIFE, America! Our country is going down the tubes and all we’re worried about is who got kicked off Dancing with the Stars. Come on! Put down your iPhone, Blackberry or Droid for a minute, pay attention to what you’re doing, do it to the best of your ability, and for the love of God, finish what you start!

Just sayin'...

Losing Tastes Like Obeisity


Two sweaty, 12 year old boys in soccer uniforms sit on the carpeted stairs of a good-sized, suburban home. The boy on the left turns and says
BOY #1
Winning is my favorite thing.

The second kid looks quizzically at his friend. Obviously, the soccer game did not go their way.

BOY #2
But we lost today.

Insert small pepperoni pizza piping hot.

BOY #1
(smiling broadly)
No we didn't.

The two boys hungrily dig into the offered pizza slices and laugh as the song “We’re the Kids in America” starts playing in the background...

In the wake of the recent shooting in Arizona and a new spotlight cast on the responsibility of our words and how they influence others, commercials like this one paint an irresponsible picture for our next generation. What exactly is the message in this commercial? It doesn’t matter who wins or loses as long as you get a high caloric and nutritionally devoid snack after it? With that logic, we’ll just end up a nation of overweight losers...wait, ruh roh.

While children shouldn’t be bread into heartless sharks bent on winning at all costs, saying it's not just ok to lose but also to reward oneself with hurtful vices is teaching children a dangerous lesson: placate your failure with feel-good distractions even if they’re detrimental to your health, wealth and prosperity. Next thing you know we’ll get dropped from the list of most productive economies, suffer increasing unemployment and have wrestlers, actors and tea-bagging, sports anchors occupying our political offices...wait, doh!