This Election

I'm sad to say that I have gotten little to be proud about concerning the upcoming election. Up to this point, the only things that I have witnessed emerging with any regularity are the Republicans' ability to lie straight-faced and loud-voiced and their constituents' ability to lap it up as if it came from God's lips. The fact is that Obama is NOT responsible for many of the horrible economic situations present today. In fact, he has done a pretty good job of trying to clean up the mess handed to him by arguably-the-worst-president-in-our-history, Mr George W. Bush. I think a comedian said it best, in terms of the Republican argument against Obama's re-election...and I'm paraphrasing like making a mess and then getting mad at someone for not cleaning up quickly enough. How about some more cooperation America? Let's work together to turn this ship around before our pride and ignorance run us aground into the sandbar of economic ruination.